meet the trustees

Nigel Oldacre
Vice ChairmanI first got involved with Stisted Hall when arranging to place a widow friend into the Home. Subsequently I became a Trustee about 13 years ago and, as I live locally, became involved with some of the residents’ leisure activities, including coffee mornings.
I took over as Vice Chairman from Dennis Thorogood when he retired. I organised the annual summer fete for 5 years before handing over to John Finlay, the current organiser, who worked in harness with me for 2 years.
I call in the Home on a regular basis, especially after playing golf on the adjacent golf course. I help with a number of activities, drive residents to the local doctors, dentists, opticians etc. I also co-ordinate garden working parties, with fellow volunteers who are bribed by the promise of bacon rolls and beverages.