meet the trustees

Karine Ann Oldacre
Vice President & House AdvisorMy mother resided at Stisted Hall for over 4 years. After her death, more than 10 years ago, I was pleased to be asked to become a Trustee taking on the role of Almoner, as I had become fond of both the residents and staff and did not want to lose contact.
My role consists of welcoming new residents with flowers, buying gifts and cards for Christmas and birthdays. Valentine’s Day and Easter are also celebrated, usually with gifts of chocolates.
When a resident dies I send a sympathy card to their next of kin and a donation to their chosen charity or flowers for the funeral.
I also get involved and help with some of the activities including a monthly quiz. At the monthly coffee morning Nigel and I hold a raffle, the proceeds of which go into the Association’s funds for the benefit of the residents.